The technology that transforms urban agriculture

Modern agriculture faces numerous challenges: from climate change to declining soil quality and the rapid growth of urban populations. In this context, Hy-Farm presents an innovative and sustainable solution: state-of-the-art hydroponic systems that enable efficient and eco-friendly cultivation of microplants directly in urban environments.

What are hydroponic systems?

Hydroponics is an agricultural technology that allows plants to be grown without soil, using water as the sole medium that provides everything necessary for plant growth. These systems are extremely efficient, allowing precise control of the growing environment and optimal use of resources such as water and nutrients.

The Hy-Farm concept

At Hy-Farm, partners gain access to the most advanced hydroponic systems, designed to maximize productivity while minimizing environmental impact. These systems are specially designed to adapt to various urban spaces, whether in restaurants, commercial areas, or even in private apartments.

Advantages of hydroponic systems:
  • High efficiency: Hy-Farm’s hydroponic systems use up to 90% less water compared to traditional agriculture, making them extremely sustainable. They also allow for more efficient use of space, enabling the cultivation of a larger quantity of microplants in a reduced area.
  • Controlled growing environment: One of the greatest advantages of hydroponics is the ability to fully control growing conditions, including light, temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels. This ensures superior quality microplants and a consistent harvest throughout the year.
  • Low maintenance costs: Hy-Farm’s hydroponic systems are designed to be easy to maintain, significantly reducing long-term operational costs. Automation and integrated monitoring technology allow partners to efficiently manage production without requiring advanced agricultural knowledge.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: These systems are highly versatile and can be adapted to fit various urban environments. Whether partners wish to install a system in a small restaurant space or a room in an apartment, Hy-Farm’s hydroponic solutions can be customized to meet specific needs.
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly production: Urban agriculture through hydroponic systems reduces dependency on long-distance transportation and chemical pesticides, contributing to a cleaner environment and a smaller carbon footprint. Microplants grown through this system are not only fresh and nutritious but also environmentally friendly.
Support and training for partners

Hy-Farm offers not only high-quality hydroponic systems but also a complete package of support and training for partners. From initial system installation and setup to ongoing training and technical assistance, we ensure our partners have all the resources they need to succeed.


Hy-Farm’s hydroponic systems represent a revolutionary solution for urban agriculture, offering our partners the opportunity to cultivate high-quality microplants in a sustainable and efficient manner. By integrating these systems into their businesses, Hy-Farm partners not only enhance their product offerings but also contribute to a greener and healthier future for their communities.

If you are interested in becoming a Hy-Farm partner and implementing a hydroponic system in your business, contact us today for more information and to embark on this innovative journey in urban agriculture!

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