Turn-key business with microgreens

Intelligent Hydroponic Agriculture

The microgreens business is an atypical one. The one who makes the decision to start this business will enjoy a business without rules and without royalties. The steps are simple and anyone can follow them to become an entrepreneur. All you must do is to ask us for all the details so that everything is very well understood, then our team will take care of everything, while you just have to cooperate.

Hy-Farm Microgreens

Entrepreneurship with Hy-Farm​ Microgreens

If you are looking for a safe business, with low investment, you are in the right place! Hy-Farm partners get all the secrets for a succesful business. The microgreens partnership is suitable for you if:

What about microgreens​?



Microgreens can be used in various ways: as edible flowers with the role of culinary decoration for decorating plates, they can be used in the preparation of diversified menus and even smoothies.


Multiple use

Microgreens can be used in many combinations and are consumed fresh, without cooking, they are edible plants and flowers. From salads to smoothies to edible culinary décor.


Full of nutrients

Microgreens have been distinguished over time by the benefits they can bring to the body. These include both the significant intake of nutrients and the significant quantity of antioxidants.



The high demand for this superfood, microgreens, is highly increasing in the last years. They can be found in restaurants, stores, and also online.


HY-FARM Microgreens Package

The HY-FARM MICROGREENS franchise package represents an innovative and sustainable business opportunity, designed for entrepreneurs who want to enter the growing microgreens market.

The automated hydroponic system is an important element of the franchise package, playing a key role in supporting and growing microgreens in the most correct way, so that the final product you will have is of the highest quality. At the same time, it makes the growth process of microgreens more efficient and reduces the physical labor and time you devote to this activity, thus offering you free time to dedicate to other activities or even relaxation. The equipment is made from premium materials, ordered from top suppliers around the world, so that the use of the system and the production process are accessible to anyone.

The equipment includes accessories and materials that help in the growth of microgreens (sprayer, sieve, germination rack, water supply tank, programmable sockets, water pump, fertilizer, growth trays, hoses, distribution system, LEDs, fans, thermo-hygrometer, hydration buckets), as well as raw materials and other useful materials for delivering the final product (5 types of seeds, 1000 substrate units, Hy-Farm delivery boxes, 1000 containers)

The training sessions are perhaps the most valuable component of the franchise package offered. These sessions encompass all the steps and all the information you need to know as a Hy-Farm partner, to ensure that you start off on the right foot in developing this business. The training sessions represent in a word all the ‘Know-How’ that Hy-Farm Microgreens possesses as a result of accumulated experience, ongoing research over time, constant improvements, and last but not least, thanks to the more than 200 international partners who have also contributed through their feedback to the evolution of everything offered in the Hy-Farm concept at the present time.

Our partner’s training consists of learning all the stages fundamental to the progress of the business, from the production of microgreens to the sales process and creating your own marketing. For these learning sessions, you have the opportunity to have unlimited access to a learning platform, where any partner can continuously study to be a professional microgreens producer.

Because the process of becoming a true microgreens producer requires ‘polishing’, the franchise package includes a period of consultancy aimed at perfecting each of the training stages. During the three months of consultancy, you have the opportunity to constantly communicate with the Hy-Farm team for real and concise feedback, which can lead to faster and more correct business development and at the same time succeed in recovering your investment as quickly as possible. To ensure the best progress, partners are consistently asked for images of their production, feedback following the sales process, and they are also given various tips and strategies that match the direction the business is heading.

For the elements of the production system as well as for the accessories that make up the physical package, a warranty is offered for a period of 12 months, during which any defect that may occur in the products you receive will be replaced by Hy-Farm Microgreens. This warranty constitutes the legal term in accordance with the law. However, from the experiences with over 200 partners, the components of the physical franchise package have not shown defects or other problems either before or after the legal warranty period, which confirms the quality of the materials used. Nevertheless, in the event that you encounter such a problem, you are assured of the replacement of the defective element.

Extra services represent one of the advantages that HY-FARM has over other competitors. We are continuously developing and constantly working to help our partners have a successful business. That’s why you can access any of the extra services we offer so that you can practice this business in the best and most correct way possible.

* 0% royalties at franchise purchase

Smart hydroponic system by Hy-Farm

The lighting system used for indoor hydroponic production is innovative and based on LED lights. These lights are specially designed to facilitate the growth of leafy plants, especially microgreens in our case.

Hy-Farm Microgreens

complete microgreens growing kit

up to 700 casseroles

rapid growth and low energy consumption

ready-to-use growing system

it can be places anywhere

Our systems can be found in over 2000 restaurants, with the help of over 200 partners

Hy-Farm partners are all over Europe

Microplantele - o minune culinară

Passive income with microgreens

What do you get?

In addition to this declared food and superfood that anyone can enjoy, we have also created a super package, a complete Kit so that anyone can start a business of the future. Our package contains everything necessary for this business. From technology to know-how, those who want to be financially independent and benefit from free time can choose Hy-farm Microgreens business. Thus, he can enjoy a successful business, while helping in sustainability, with the help of these microgreens.

All equipment and accessories (trays and buckets for seed and substrate hydration, seed scale, sprayer, syringes for dosing the fertilization and disinfection solution, shelf for germination and initial growth, sieve, programmable sockets, thermometer/hygrometer) necessary for growth and development the Microgreens business.
4 online workshop (2 for the production process, 1 for the marketing strategy and 1 for the sales funnel)
Digital pack (+1500 euros) - optional
Consultancy for the first 3 months of partnership
Raw material for 1000 casseroles (the casseroles, 100% natural jute fibre substrate, 5 varieties of seeds, fertilizer, packaging for delivery).
Despre noi | Povestea HY-FARM
12 months warranty
Despre noi | Povestea HY-FARM

The minimum requirments for
growing your microgreens business

Any type of room of 8-10 square meters

A constant temperature between 20-22*C

Dehumidifier for keeping the humidity (24 liters/day)

The equipment and accessories needed to grow and develop Microgreens

Raw material for casseroles (included for free with the purchase of the franchise)

Involvement, dedication and passion for growing an amazing business

The pack includes: the necessary equipment and accessories, 3 months of consultancy, 4 online workshop (2 for the production process, 1 for the marketing strategy and 1 for the sales funnel) as well as the seeds and materials for minimum 1000 casseroles


What people say about Hy-Farm Microgreens

Roua Microgreens
Roua Microgreens
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We are very happy about the partnership with Hy-Farm, which always offers the highest quality products. With their support, we trust the quality of the products we offer and develop our business day by day. We recommend them!
Anwar Stefan
Anwar Stefan
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I recommend Hy-Farm for professionalism and quality! I am a Hy-Farm partner for almost a year now and I am very pleased.
Alexandra Munteanu
Alexandra Munteanu
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I recommend the idea offered by Hy-Farm for time and independence, for constant support, for shared experience. I have a new activity, I don't have extensive experience, but I can say that it is the kind of activity that makes you happy because you see how the plants grow, you relate to a pleasant environment, and you have time to take care of yourself.
Ana Dragan
Ana Dragan
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THEY ARE SENSATIONAL! I warmly recommend them! The taste is extraordinary! I use them in almost everything I eat. Thank you Hy-Farm Microgreens!
Microgreens Banat
Microgreens Banat
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We have been collaborating with HY FARM for 8 months and we are very satisfied. We always received answers to our questions when we had any doubts. When we started, we didn't know what it meant to grow a microplant, but we learned everything from Hy Farm and today we are happy that we manage to be alongside many chefs with the help of our microgreens ❤️
Hy-Farm Sighișoara
Hy-Farm Sighișoara
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We purchased the franchise a few months ago, and so far we are very satisfied! Collaborating with the Hy-Farm team has been extremely good, just as we expected. Promptness, seriousness, and finding solutions to all our questions best describe them, especially Alexandru Pantiru, who has been with us constantly, no matter the day or hour. Thank you very much and we hope to continue having at least as good a collaboration as until now! 🙏🏻
Farm2table by Hy-FarmMicrogreens
Farm2table by Hy-FarmMicrogreens
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I warmly recommend! We have a beautiful and successful collaboration!
Video reviews

Alboeini Anwar

Hy-Farm Craiova

Play Video

Roua Microgreens

Hy-Farm Timișoara

Play Video

Hy-Farm Founder

The microgreens are the future!

The brand image as well as our team are in continuous development, to offer you a unique experience. Our team means, in fact, your team, because they are the people who will always be behind you, to support you to build a solid foundation for your business. That’s why our departments will always be very well-prepared for you.

Alex Vasiu – Founder Hy-Farm

Hy-Farm as seen in

Ziarul financiar

Business from scratch. Alex Vasiu returned to the country and created Hy-Farm, a mini-farm for home that sells indoor vertical systems for the production of microgreens. 'We aim to reach 100 partners by the end of the year.

Arome proprii

Hy-Farm Microgreens, a microgreen producer, started with the idea of creating a system through which anyone, anywhere, and at any time can produce their own healthy food at an almost negligible cost, and for this reason, we like to call it 'the food of the future

Stirile Kanal D

The news 'Microgreens, a Business of the Future' broadcast during the KANAL D News on November 23, 2022.


Agritech, an innovative concept brought to Romania by a young entrepreneur, will ensure production according to EU standards.


Hy-Farm specializes in growing and developing microgreens with semi-automated indoor vertical hydroponic systems (consisting of cultivating plants in aqueous solutions of nutrients) where they control the temperature, humidity, and light provided to all the plants.

Ziarul de Iași

An innovative cultivation system for microgreens, developed by a young man who has been living in Iași for several years, has become popular in Europe.

We are by your side from day 1

Your microbusiness with microgreens

After purchasing the equipment, we are with the new manufacturer permanently, regardless of the problem it encounters. In the consultancy program, included in the Hy-Farm package, the client benefits from four training sessions (two for production, one for marketing and one for sales), through which the manufacturer can learn the basic instructions and ideas so he can set up together with us, a healthy and long-lasting business.


Hy-Farm Team


Afacere cu microplante all-in-one


The Hy-Farm Microgreens app

In today’s digital era, technology offers us innovative solutions to improve our lifestyle and optimize daily activities. The Hy-Farm Microgreens app is one such revolutionary

How to choose the perfect microgreens?

Choosing quality microgreens isn’t just a matter of aesthetics – it’s about health and sustainability as well. As informed consumers, it’s essential to know what

The impact of drought on agriculture

Drought is one of the most pressing climate challenges facing our planet. This issue not only severely impacts agriculture but also has deep implications for

Talk now with a consultant and discover more details about the Hy-Farm Microgreens Business Opportunity

After filling out the form below one of our representatives will take care of all the details of a successful collaboration!


However, we offer an outlet indirectly. We will always be the people behind the manufacturer, to tell him step by step what needs to be done. Our sales and marketing strategy has helped over 200 manufacturers to make their customer portfolio within 1 and a half months. If our collaborator trusts us and follows exactly the steps explained by us, success is guaranteed. We say who they need to talk to, what to talk to, what microgreens they need to go with, when to follow up, we rethink strategies applied directly to the customer’s needs, etc. Basically, we will team up in this direction, but the most important thing is for the local manufacturer to make itself seen and at the same time to transform products into stars in its area. The product has the necessary experience to sell itself.

The choice of the ideal space for production is a detail that allows a lot of flexibility. It is enough to achieve the optimal parameters necessary for the production of microgreens in order to benefit from the highest quality.

A room of 8-10 square meters, a clean environment, a constant temperature between 20-22 degrees Celsius and relative humidity, between 30-45%, signifies the ideal for their growth.

Power source for powering led lighting, ventilation and irrigation of the supplied Hy-Farm Microgreens system . (daily consumption at full capacity of 12 kwh)

Nearby water source (mains) (monthly consumption of less than 1m3).

The Hy-Farm Microgreens concept  is designed to give you the opportunity not to depend on your employees. You only need an accountant to help you with the monthly statements, and this involves a cost between 250-400 ron / month. You can do the activity yourself. In the case of a single system at full capacity, the required time allocated is maximum 20 hours/week (between 3-5 h/day). With a schedule of 40 h/week, you can work with up to 3 pieces of equipment simultaneously. The Hy-Farm Microgreens team  is at your disposal with everything you need to succeed.

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